Circular dog walk in Brighton
- Sheepcote Valley car park, Brighton, BN2 6DG
- What3words:
- Footpath.
- Bridlepath.
- Slightly downhill at the start.
- Steep walk uphill for a short section.
- Slightly uphill for the rest of the walk.
Dog safety requirments
- Safe around sheep.
- Safe around horses on the bridlepath.
- Not distracted by golfers.
Starting point
Left side of the car park, facing away from Warren Road.
Route overview
3.67KM (2.28 MILES)
Route from fitbit
aerial view from google

Exercise information from fitbit

Route details
Walk through the gate onto the bridlepath.

Brighton race course is on your right.

The golf course is now on your right. There is no fencing so keep your dog on lead if you don’t have good recall.

Woodland Valley, Woodingdean, is on your left.

You can see Roedean School, Roedean on the coast in the distance to your right.

The path left takes you into Woodland Valley, Woodingdean. Don’t take that path today!

You can see the Blind Veterans UK centre in Ovindean in the distance by the sea to your right.

The golf course continues on your right.

The path folks left here onto Woodland Valley, Woodingdean but keep going straight on.

The path now folks left and right. Go right to start the second leg of the circular route.

The path now goes left for the footpath or right for the bridlepath. Go right for the bridlepath.

The golf course should now be on your right.

The next part of the route is a little steeper.

The path now crosses over the golf course so put your dog on lead if necessary.

Follow the path straight ahead.

You should now see the race course stand in the distance.

You will reach a gate as you leave the golf course. Sheep often graze in the next field so put your dog on lead before you go through the gate.

Turn right after going through the gate to start the third leg of the circular route. Be careful of the sheep if they are grazing there.

Go through the temporary gate to leave the sheep grazing area and keep going straight on.

The golf course will now be on your right. You may be able to let your dog off lead again now. Walk straight on.

The Whitehawk football club ground is to your left in the distance.

You can now see East Brighton park leading to Kemptown and the sea in the distance on your left.

The maze of fields of Sheepcoat valley are now on your left.

These Sheepcote Valley fields will be a walk for another day!

Keep going straight ahead through another temporary gate.

Stop for a quick rest on the carved seats on your left.

Your dog may be off lead but should always be under control.

The end of the race track is on your right.

Follow the path uphill with the race track on your right.

The car park where you started in now in the distance on your right.

Last time to relax before the end of the walk.

The gate to cross the race track is on your right.

Check both ways to make sure no horses are coming!

Time to put your dog back on lead before you enter the car park where you started.

Other walks
Please suggest other circular dog walks around Brighton for me to feature:
Equipment used
Training needs
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Mike Garner is a dog trainer and behaviourist at Rainbow Dogs in Brighton & Hove, Sussex.
Follow Rainbow Dogs on Facebook.