Pitpat dog activity monitor vs Fitbit human activity monitor – review

What are activity monitors?
FitbIt Activity Monitor

I have been using my Fitbit Charge 4 for almost a year and I love it! I often use it to track my walks with clients dogs especially during Groundwork Training. It allows me to track time, distance, activity type, and calories.

I have just started using my Pitpat dog activity tracker. It also allows me to track my dog’s activity type (walking, running, playing), time, distance, and calories.
How do Pitpat and Fitbit compare?
Statistics from Google, Fitbit, and pitpat
I walked from the Queen Victoria Memorial in Hove along the promenade to the Brighton Fishing Museum Coffee Shop.

Google Maps tells me this is 1.3 miles each way and it should take me 25 minutes each way.

I was walking and talking with a friend so we took this at a leisurely pace. Fitbit tells me this took me 28 minutes and I used 206 calories.
We stopped at Brighton Fishing Museum Coffee Shop for about 30 minutes (they sell great coffee!).

Fitbit tells me walking back took me 25 minutes and I used 190 calories.

Pitpat tells me my dog Pickle (large Chihuahua cross) spent a total of 60 minutes moving. 50 minutes of this was running (she was off lead the whole time) and 10 minutes playing (this could be her moving around whilst we were drinking coffee). It says she covered 2.8 miles and used 214 calories in total.
Pitpat seems incredibly accurate in measuring distance. Google said we covered 2.6 miles and Pitpat 2.8, but this includes the dog’s movement as we drank coffee.
Fitbit says I used 396 calories in total (I had cake with my coffee so we can call that quits). Pitpat says my dog used 214 calories. Pitpat uses your dog’s breed, age, sex, and weight to help calculate this figure. I have no idea how accurate her calories estimate is.
Products reviewed
I have no association with either company. I purchased my Fitbit Charge 4 a year ago. I received my Pitpat free with my insurance renewal a few days ago. Both products are available on Amazon:
Mike Garner is a dog trainer and behaviourist at Rainbow Dogs in Brighton & Hove, Sussex.
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